Your 1st Visit

When you arrive for your first visit, we’ll give you a tour of the office  where you’ll see our kid friendly area, various adjusting rooms and get to meet everyone on the team. Then we’ll dive into your first day with a consultation, scans and your first adjustment. 



Our neurologically-focused approach dives deep into your case history, we look and listen for the true root cause of your health challenges. You’ll have a chance to discuss your history with the doctor one to one, who are here to listen to you. We enjoy taking this time to get to know you and understand what your goals are for neurological chiropractic care. 



Our INSiGHT Scan technology accurately assesses the health and function of the central nervous system with three neuro-spinal scans. These scans are non-invasive and there are no harmful effects such as exposure to radiation. 

These are perfectly safe for newborns, expecting moms and the whole family

  • Measures skin temperature, skin conductance and heart rate over three minutes to tell us how active your nervous system is and how it adapts to stress.

  • Measures temperature of the spine from bottom all the way to the top and from side to side. Every organ in your body is controlled by nerves that come out of the spine and this will tell us where the nervous system is subluxated or has interference.

  • Measures muscle activity along the spinal muscles and tells us how much energy is in the muscles.



After the scans, it’s time to get adjusted! You’ll be adjusted based upon what your nervous system needs from the doctor’s review of the scans. Our neurotonal approach encompasses a variety of techniques including TRT, Logan, Thompson, Diversified, SOT etc. 

*Dr. John is certified in Webster’s technique and is currently pursuing his perinatal certification through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). 


“Chiropractic adjustments at Adapt are gentle and specific and benefit anyone from newborns to adults.” 


Day 2 Visit

On your second visit, we’ll take you to our report room and review your scans from day 1.

During this visit, the doctor’s will go in depth into your scans and walk you through what’s going on in your nervous system. We’ll provide you with personalized care recommendations based on the results of the scans and your goals for care. We’ll work together to get you and your family on a schedule that works best to help you meet your health goals.

Then you’ll get adjusted and we’ll set up your preferred payment method. We offer membership prices at Adapt which make it affordable for individuals and the whole family!